
Disasters, Conflict, and the Looming Food Security Crisis, and How Global Farmers Market Can Help.

Store On Fire A hail storm in May in Texas, flooding in Cincinnati, lightning striking an erupting volcano Guatemala, tornados in Pennsylvania, massive solar flares,... it’s like it’s the end of the world. Throw in a multitude of ever-escalating conflicts and the very fabric of global stability is under immense strain.

That all get in the way of the traditional food distribution system doing its job. Food scarcity is on its way to becoming a major issue that affects everyone in a very personal way. Global Farmers Market is working hard to put in place a network now, to help prevent empty stomachs in the near future.
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John Andresen
John Andresen

Bridging the Gap: How Food-to-Table Networks Are Combating Food Scarcity & is Revolutionizing the System

Supporting Agricultural Associations Food scarcity, a persistent challenge impacting millions globally, is fueled by a complex web of factors. One major contributor is the vast distance food travels from farm to fork, often exceeding 1,500 miles. This inefficient system not only reduces freshness and flavor but also creates unnecessary environmental burdens.
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John Andresen
John Andresen

Our Future Depends Upon Us Being Polite to A.I.s Now

Supporting Agricultural Associations As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to evolve and integrate into our lives, a curious question arises: should we be polite to AI assistants and systems? While some might scoff at the idea, treating AI with respect goes beyond mere courtesy. It's about fostering a future where humans and AI can collaborate effectively.
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John Andresen
John Andresen

Global Farmers Market Boosts Agricultural Associations

Supporting Agricultural Associations According to the American Farm Bureau Federation, over 90% of farms in the United States are family-owned, highlighting the critical role individual farmers play in our food system. But they don't go it alone. Agricultural associations are essential partners, championing the needs of farmers, ranchers, and everyone in agriculture by providing crucial support and a wealth of benefits. Recognizing their importance, Global Farmers Market Inc. has launched a new initiative to empower these essential organizations.
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John Andresen
John Andresen

Food Hubs Are Vital

Marketing Plans The emergence of farm hubs represents a pivotal paradigm shift in fortifying local food systems, countering the dependency of major grocery chains on extensive transportation networks. Comprised of a network of farms, these hubs serve as vital conduits, bridging the gap between producers and consumers while championing sustainability and regional economic vitality.
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John Andresen
John Andresen

Marketing Plans are Stupid

Marketing Plans Marketing Plans are Stupid. Or are they? Look, picture this: you're hurtling down a highway in a beat-up jalopy, fueled by optimism and a vague notion of "west." Sure, there's a certain chaotic beauty to it –- like stumbling through a funhouse of neon signs and catchy slogans, never knowing what bizarre ad will pop out next. But let's be honest, most businesses end up like a rusted-out Chevy in the junkyard of forgotten dreams...
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John Andresen
John Andresen

Broken Plates: Why Our Food Travels Too Far and What We Can Do About It

Ag Associations: The Backbone of Agriculture The average American meal travels a shocking 1,500 miles before reaching your plate. This vast journey, driven by a focus on efficiency and cost-cutting in large-scale agriculture, raises critical questions about the quality and sustainability of our food system....
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John Andresen
John Andresen

The Importance of Show-Quality Livestock

Ag Associations: The Backbone of Agriculture In the world of agriculture, where the rhythm of life follows the seasons and the land dictates the livelihoods of many, the pursuit of excellence is an age-old endeavor. Nowhere is this more evident than in the careful cultivation of show-quality livestock...
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John Andresen
John Andresen

Slice into Success: A Guide to Running a Rewarding Crowdfunding Campaign

Ag Associations: The Backbone of Agriculture Happy Pi Day! While mathematicians are busy celebrating the beauty of the infinite number pi (π), entrepreneurs can take a cue from its circular nature – a successful crowdfunding campaign is all about creating a cycle of engagement and reward. Just like everyone wants a bigger slice of pie, your campaign's goal is to attract backers who are excited to be a part of your story and see it come to life....
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John Andresen
John Andresen

Ag Associations: The Backbone of Agriculture

Ag Associations: The Backbone of Agriculture Across the vast landscapes of America, a network of dedicated organizations plays a vital role in the success of our agricultural industry. These organizations are known as agricultural associations, and they serve as the backbone for farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural stakeholders. ....
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John Andresen
John Andresen

Livestock as an Investment

Livestock As An Investment Livestock production has been a cornerstone of human civilization for millennia, providing essential resources like food, clothing, and fuel. But livestock also is an investment opportunity, offering diversification and excellent potential returns....
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John Andresen
John Andresen

Disaster Proofing Your Business

Disaster Proofing Your Business 2024 is shaping up to be one heck of a year. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts that in 2024 we will see significant hurricanes, tornados, flooding, and droughts. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) warnings of increased COVID-19 cases. If past election years are any indication of what to expect, we should see major protests, riots, and increased shootings in major cities. In a year where all hell breaks loose, how do you prepare your business?...
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John Andresen
John Andresen

Investing in Farming

Farming as an Investment Investing in agriculture is a smart strategic decision. After all, regardless of the state of the overall economy—whether it's in a recession or booming—people still need to eat. This makes agriculture and farming investments attractive to many investors, as they are often recession-proof. Additionally, with the world's population on the rise, farming is expected to play an increasingly vital role in sustaining global societies....
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John Andresen
John Andresen